Friday, July 2, 2010

A great time at Toy Story 3.

A few weeks back I was a little disappointed when told that the class I wanted to enrol for Rohani Jelani cooking was full. But my spirits were lifted somewhat when a publisher I've been working with on some projects extended me 4 free tickets to watch Toy Story 3. It was like a blessing in disguise that the cooking class was full as I was then able to 'treat' my family to a movie session *wink* I was ecstatic even more than my eldest hehe... because I totally love Toy Story and have mentioned to the publisher a month back that I was looking forward to catch the movie when it reaches our shores.

Oh man... I think Toy Story 3 must have been the best of its trilogy. Seriously. You know how it is with movie producers trying to make the most bucks out of movie goers when their first instalment becomes successful... well, I think Toy Story must be one of the most successful animation yet because I totally enjoyed all of its previous 2 movies as they all invoke some real-life emotions even though it is an imaginative tale that you think would relate to a child-audience. Well, then again, everyone has a little child in them, right?

This third instalment was brilliant. I love everything about it... the strong script, hillarious scenes especially those with Barbie and Ken (and oh, that scene where Buzz was in Spanish mode!), the moving moments... and just when you thought things couldn't get any more touchy, you'd be so moved that something in you just want to breakdown into tears. Well, I did... and I cried buckets!

If you googled to find out the storyline (which I wouldn't rant so much in here to not spoil it for those who haven't watched it), every one of them movie reviewers would say the last 15 minutes of the film triggered some waterworks in them. Some were just close to tearing up but I was totally down to tears starting from the scene where the toys started to hold hands at the garbage incinerator. From there on, I just couldn't contain my emotions and I continued to cry til the end because the scenes were just so touching.

But don't let me get you on the emotional part... the movie was brilliant right from the start. It touches you on how amazing the producers were as this movie used up every imagination possible and kind of reminded me of my much younger days when I role play while acting as if I was in another world filled with my toys as life-like characters.

I think the best part about this movie is the attention to details - the clever planning of Andy's toys in order to escape, the beautiful bond they have with each other, their loyalty and how the writers emphasised each of the toys' characteristics that we all have identified with in the previous 2 Toy Story installations, ie. how Rex loves to play video games, and the quirks of Mr & Mrs Potato, etc. Here, their personalities are given an even stronger emphasis that I find myself suddenly becoming their big fan and went totally excited when I saw them being sold in children's departments of major shopping centres ;)

If you haven't yet watched Toy Story 3, I do think you wouldn't go wrong with this selection. Even if you do not have kids and not sure if animation suit your soul, I don't think you'll be disappointed with this movie. And if you haven't cried in a long time, catch this movie for that great humour and you'll find yourself crying towards the end... and no one will penalise you for crying because many of them will. I think so la...


  1. i tak cry. sniff sniff. tak. tsk.

  2. I almost cried just reading about the toys holding hands at the garbage incinerator (itu belum tengok the real thing lagi).

    Hope to catch Toy Story 3 soon. Kamal and I have been watching movie almost every week in June. The Killers lah, Karate Kid lah, SATC lah; and then, you commented on Toy Story 3 on Facebook and Kamal said, "ok, Toy Story 3 next" :). The power of review (and he only read a one-line comment, not this full review yet).

  3. juan, these are the things i hv to say:
    1. Friends do part, but they stay together in their hearts.
    2. the song "You've got a friend in me" says a thousand words.
    3. wonderful, awful, experience of sharing a home, a history, and a heart...
    4. Lotso serves his destiny right in front of the truck!
    5. Our kids must learn to appreciate their toys.
    6. The part when Andy leaves for college reminds me of how I had to pack my things- which goes where, before I left for the Uni. even until now when I go back home to my parents', I still wonder what had happened to my stuffs.
    7. A good deed deserves another. I thought they were all going to be burnt as I totally forgot about the aliens which were obsessed wtiht the CLAW...
    8. We learned that Ken is a ROMEO
    9. and not to forget, Spanish is a romantic language as well!!!

  4. I cried so many times watching the movie and yes i think it's the best among the 3! Hubby cried too masa ending..heheh...I think all kids AND adult should watch this movie..then maybe they would appreciate their toys more!


That was just my personal view. Feel free to share yours.