Friday, May 7, 2010

My Mission: Test and Review

As per my previous post, the package arrived today! *yeayy*

Maybelline Color Sensational in Buff.

I am so excited to try it out... have opened it and seen the colour but I shall let the owner of the blog, My Women Stuff, to feature the story first.

Thank you, Paris, for this opportunity. And thanks for the lovely surprise in the package :)


  1. Kalau kita pakai mekap, memang sesuai sangat nak buat review macam ni kan. tapi, mcm i ni, sgt tak sesuai, sebab tak pakai make up..huhu

  2. nia,
    wahhh... bagusnya nia tak pakai mekap! wahhh... jimat duit dan tak merosakkan kulit. nak solat pun takyah susah2 nak cuci muka lepas tu kena pakai balik mekap...


That was just my personal view. Feel free to share yours.