Thursday, April 15, 2010

Kiehl's Tea Tree Oil Shampoo

Apologies for not updating sooner. There have been just way too many stuff going on that I have been a little slacking in the updating department.

Anyways, a good buy, this is something that totally caught me by surprise. One, because it has never been a famous brand for hair care and two, the samples I got before my actual purchase was actually more inferior than the actual product. However, the results from using the sample was quite good and I am so glad that I actually made that purchase albeit it being a little bit steep.

Yes, this is a fabulous product. Well, at least to me, that is…

It started when I was simply checking out Kiehl’s counter in Isetan KLCC since I’ve been reading many positive reviews on not just their products but their commendable value-added service where they give away samples pretty freely for you to try. So, for just buying a reasonably priced highly-praised (in the blogworld) whitening scrub, I received a few skincare samples and the SA even threw in 2 sachets of shampoo and conditioner (each!) that I could use 4 times. Impressive, right?

I guess when a beauty brand is confident enough to provide 5ml samples FOC without any conditions, they are pretty sure that you’ll come back. And what a wonderful marketing tactic because it worked for me.

The SA, Joe, pointed out how oily my scalp looked and recommended me the Tea Tree Oil Shampoo from Kiehl’s. And, to counteract against the dry ends of my highly sensitised colour treated hair, he suggested for me to try the Olive Fruit Oil Nourishing conditioner.

The shampoo didn’t lather much from the sachet I got but it did leave my hair squeaky clean. It was so good that my hair didn't go limp by the end of the next day the way it usually would and I could even cheat and wash my hair on the 3rd day at times. I didn’t quite like the scent of the olive conditioner but since it worked so well together with the tea tree oil shampoo, I thought it was time to replace my depleting stock of Kerastase Chroma Protect series.

Yes, I was given a good shock when I wanted to make the purchase because it cost RM75 for a 250ml bottle while the conditioner cost RM70. I wasn’t that concerned about the conditioner as I could always stretch its usage but for a shampoo that didn’t lather much, I was afraid I would use it up too quickly. But... since I already had that intention to buy, I quickly grabbed them and later realised that it was a timely purchase and a very smart move too. Always trust what your heart tells ya

The shampoo actually lathered well and was even better than the sample. And my usually limpy dull hair looked almost like a lion’s mane (a tamed lion's mane hehe...) after each wash. I love it! The best part is, on my recent visit to my hairstylist for a colour touch-up, I was damned surprised to not only see my hair shining pretty healthily under the bright salon lighting (which would always make my hair look super frizzy apart from it being oily-limpy) but my hairstylist was even more surprised to see my pretty healthy hair condition albeit moi not visiting her for those necessary moisturising treatments since the last 6 months. Good, eh?

a tamed lion's mane that falls freely, looks and feels healthy, light yet full of body :)

That purchase was made in December 2009 and I still have probably 4-5 more washes. Pretty lasting, don’t you think? And the fact that I've saved a lot from the regular hair treatment visits to the salon, I say this calls for a repeat purchase. So, for that, and moi not revealing to my hairstylist that I’ve betrayed a salon brand hair products, I went and bought a much larger stock, which cost RM115 for a 500ml bottle.

this would probably last me another year :)

1 comment:

  1. I have yet to use the shampoo but what interest me the most is that they give sample. I've used the brand once and its pretty good but you need to use both the shampoo and conditioner. so that's a good RM140 on products. I have terrible dandruff due to stress and a good shampoo might help. I read that tea tree oil shampoo helps prevent dry skin. Anyways thanks for this blogpost. Keep it up!


That was just my personal view. Feel free to share yours.